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Silverlight 3 in Action

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author  Pete Brown  /  released on  Jun 28, 2010
(2 votes)
Categories: Silverlight 3
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Product Description

Silverlight 3 in Action is a fast-paced, comprehensive tutorial that guides the reader from creating "Hello World" to coding production-quality, data-driven rich internet applications with graphics, audio, and video content. Written for a developer who already knows how to code in C#, this fluff-free book covers the basics quickly and dives into the heart of Silverlight development using XAML (a language for creating user interface elements), Visual Studio 2008/2010, and the Expression design suite.

In addition to the fundamentals, the book covers the new features in Silverlight 3, as well as .NET RIA Services. It explains developing offline and "outside the browser" applications, managing video and audio, handling validation, navigation and deep-linking, and how each Silverlight 3 feature fits into the overall Silverlight ecosystem.

About the Author

Pete Brownis a Microsoft MVP for Silverlight and a Silverlight Insider who worksas an RIA Architect/Project Manager for Applied Information Sciences in theWashington, DC area. He’s an International .NET Association (INETA) speakerand has worked with Silverlight since the 1.1 alpha, developing projects as variedas a Commodore64 emulator and an analog synthesizer.

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