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Search Rules

There are three simple rules you have to be aware of when searching on SilverlightShow:

1.       Each one of your search words will be mapped automatically to a tag if such a tag exists; otherwise it will be treated as a phrase, for example:

controls size – returns all posts tagged with controls and containing the keyword size, since controls is existing as tag and size is not.

color size - returns all posts containing either the keyword color or size, since neither of them is an existing tag.

Note: to avoid mapping a word to a tag just place it in double quotes “controls”.

2.       You can narrow your search to content marked with a specific tag by placing the keyword in square brackets i.e. [data-binding].

[controls] – returns all posts tagged with controls.

[controls] [layout] - returns all posts tagged with controls AND layout.

3.       To search for posts containing a certain phrase, place your words inside double quotes “silverlight”.

“controls” – returns all posts containing the phrase controls.

“controls” “layout” – returns all posts containing either the phrase controls OR layout.